Is it possible to visit Ljubljana on a day-trip from Zagreb?

Yes, it is possible to visit Ljubljana on a day-trip from Zagreb. The distance between the two cities is approximately 140 kilometers and the quickest route by car takes around 2 hours. Alternatively, there are regular bus and train services between the two cities which take around 2-3 hours depending on the service chosen. So, if you have a full day and leave early in the morning from Zagreb, you can easily visit Ljubljana and return to Zagreb the same day.

The easiest way to travel between the two cities is by joining an organized tour that will take you directly from your hotel in Zagreb to Ljubljana. Several tours are available in which you also visit the fantastic Bled, and some even add the world-famous dripstone cave in Postojna to the day-trips.

  • If you want to look at different options for day-tours to Ljubljana from Zagreb, check this site.
Ljubljana trip from Zagreb

What to see in Ljubljana?

Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is a charming city with many important attractions to visit. Here we will shortly summarize some of the most important attractions in Ljubljana.

Ljubljana Castle: A historic castle situated on a hill overlooking the city, offering panoramic views of Ljubljana and its surroundings.

Prešeren Square: The central square of Ljubljana, named after Slovenia’s greatest poet and a cultural hub of the city.

Triple Bridge: A unique bridge spanning the Ljubljanica River, connecting the old town with the modern city.

Tivoli Park: A large park in the center of Ljubljana, offering a peaceful escape from the busy city.

Ljubljana Cathedral: A stunning baroque church located in the heart of the old town, featuring intricate carvings and frescoes.

Ljubljana Central Market: A bustling open-air market offering local food, crafts, and souvenirs.

The National Museum of Slovenia: A museum showcasing Slovenia’s cultural and historical heritage.

These are just some of the wonderful attractions and sites worth exploring in Ljubljana. For more information, take a look at the Ljubljana Guide.

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